Book Review

Book Review: Redeeming Love

“Oh, Lord, why was I so blind? Why couldn’t I hear? Why did it take so much pain for me to see that you have been reaching out to me all along?” Angel, Redeeming Love

The book Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers brings the story of redemption to brilliant life. It is full of struggle, heartache, and revelation. It’s a fictional allegory of the minor prophet book of Hosea from the Bible set during the California gold rush. It follows a girl from the devastation of being sold into prostitution at a young age to her rescue by a man named Michael Hosea, and ultimately her salvation by God. Michael’s love for her is incredible, selfless, and a model of God’s love.

Her internal struggles with pain, pride, shame and mistrust journey through to hope, freedom and true love. She goes from an atheist who sees God as her enemy and judge to believing that God was there all along working to redeem her life. As a prostitute she only ever knows the worst of what men can be, but Michael shows her there is another way. They build friendships and a community with others who continue to confuse and expand her view of the world. She meets people who defy her expectation by loving her instead of shunning her for her past as a prostitute. She learns there are people she actually can love and trust.

Many times I was moved to tears by the raw and honest portrayal of the prostitution industry. It drew in everyone from the lonely, sex hungry miners to the highest officials in government. The facade was beautiful women who would satisfy the desires of men but it left everyone empty and ruined. Michael Hosea redeems sex for Angel in the most beautiful and selfless way, never wanting to use her body, but wanting to truly be one flesh with her, body and soul.

Throughout the book I was confronted by my own past sexual exploits, and made grateful all over again for the blood of Christ that washes away all my sin. If you struggle with guilt and shame over a past like that I can’t recommend enough, read this book! If you struggle with issues of pride and self-righteousness, read this book! If you want to know what selfless love really looks like, read this book! Then go read the book of Hosea in the Bible. God’s redeeming love will blow your mind.

Towards the end of the book Angel opens a redemption home for women who want to leave prostitution. It’s a safe place where they can get an education and learn new skills to make a living doing other things. There are many ministries now that help women do the same thing. A great one is Hookers for Jesus and the Destiny House run by Annie Lobert in Las Vegas. The hardships that Angel faced still plague women today. If you’d like to support women who want to escape sex-trafficking to have a new life please pray for and consider supporting their ministry.

In an interview about Redeeming Love Francine said fiction is meant to wet our appetite for the real thing. I believe this. Allegory fiction is a great way to expose people who’ve never read the Bible to what scripture tells us about God’s love, but in our search for true knowledge of God we must read our Bible. Like Simon Peter said to Jesus in John 6:68, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.”

Comment below if you’ve read Redeeming Love or the book of Hosea in scripture. I’d love to hear your thoughts about our tender, loving, redeeming Heavenly Father.

Chelle Vess is a Christian author, wife, and mom of three kids. Over the past 20 years she's served in children’s, women’s, and prayer team ministries and started blogging the Bible in 2014. She's worked in Southern California as a professional seamstress in the home interiors industry for 24 years, loves fiber crafts, cooking, gardening, tattoos, and Crossfit.


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